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Especially now as we step forward in the daily challenges of a world upended by a pile-up of life-changing circumstances, we need connection. Not busy, distracted, demanding connection. Connection that allows what IS, loosens the grip for greater resourcefulness and resilience, and embraces what is emerging for us now.
Center & Connect simply invites you for an essential practice to cultivate centered presence and congruent, enlivening resilience. It's the core practice for leading from center. It's fundamental for true "executive presence." Best of all, this practice strengthens you for creating what matters in your life with greater joy, inner peace, and aliveness.
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…embodied mindfulness in action is embedded in your ever-present day-to-day activities and interactions. The result of engaging in this kind of experiential leadership learning is a growing integration, maturity and wholeness.
Your Body is Your Brain: Leverage Your Somatic Intelligence to Find Purpose, Build Resilience, Deepen Relationships and Lead More Powerfully, by Amanda Blake