JOIN US as an invited GUEST - invited by Beata or an ongoing Participant

  • You are invited to participate fully in one "live" session
  • Register at least 24 hours in advance (same-day registration is not permitted)
  • Choose a date that works well for you.
  • Plan to be fully present for the entire session. If you'll need to arrive late or leave early, best to choose a different date.
  • NOTE: The calendar below provides access to available sessions within a 30-day time window. If you need a date beyond that window, please try again later.
  • Join us!
Empowering us to be and lead well in these extraordinary times of crisis and change…
JOIN US on a Wednesday
To be more resourceful, resilient, and attuned as you lead, give yourself a refreshing and integrative pause each week.
WHERE All sessions takes place via Zoom. You can join us from anywhere.
  • Wednesdays - 8am-9am PT / 9am-10pm MT
HOW Simply register here. It's free and easy.
Why Center & Connect™?

Center & Connect™ simply invites you for an essential practice to cultivate centered presence, inner coherence, and a more congruent, enlivening resilience. It's the core practice for leading from center. It's fundamental for true executive presence and sustainable productivity. Best of all, this practice strengthens you for creating what matters in your life with greater joy, inner peace, and aliveness.

Something very special happens when we engage in somatic centering practices as a small, connected group. There's a quieting
reset; we hear and feel what is otherwise drowned out by the noise we live in. You cultivate greater self-attunement and self-empowerment, pausing from the habitual overdrive or overwhelm so common in these times.

Especially now as we step forward in the daily challenges of a world upended by a pile-up of life-changing circumstances, we need connection. Not busy, distracted, demanding connection. A quality of
connection that comes from mutual inner coherence. Connection that allows what IS, loosens the grip for greater resourcefulness and resonance, and embraces what is emerging for us now.

Beata C. Lewis, JD, Master Somatic Coach

As an Executive Coach, I bring over 20 years experience and a passion for partnering with business owners, entrepreneurs, and knowledge professionals to lead their way forward with greater trust, creative presence, and wisdom. My clients have transformed themselves and their situations in the face of disruptive change, persistent obstacles, and inspiring opportunity. They bring more of their authentic self to conversations and practices at the heart of effective leadership and innovative collaboration. They become more choice-driven and skillful confronting conflict and difficulty, navigating complexity and change, and engaging people to co-create at their best.